
Available at Hart’s bookshop, Saffron Walden Tourist Information Centre and online at Amazon. The book features poems and short stories from some of the current crop of talented young writers at the weekly group based at Fairycroft House.–sfriGQ.Q4w3bg29VvwFAHT30kKpqWFIlJfJCk-t22mJ1ICAW-g&dib_tag=se&keywords=writers+room&qid=1715376449&sprefix=writers+room%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-1

Available to buy at Hart’s Books, Tourist Information Centre, Saffron Walden and Amazon.

Available to buy at Hart’s Books, Tourist Information Centre, Saffron Walden and Amazon

Available to buy at Hart’s Books, Tourist Information Centre, Saffron Walden and Amazon plus an amazing audiobook is available at Audible (Highly recommended)

Available to buy at Hart’s Books, Tourist Information and Amazon

Available to buy at Hart’s Books, Tourist Information Centre, Saffron Walden
Available to buy at Hart’s Books, Tourist Information Centre, Saffron Walden